Monday, September 29, 2008

2 Months... Wow!

Well, it has been two months. I've got several new projects up on my website, ( We've been pretty busy and, well, yeah. Oh, right, we're pregnant! So that's really exciting. The little guy, or girl, is due on March 3rd. It's funny, it seems like with so many different websites up there, ie facebook, blogger, twitter, myspace, xanga (does that still exist?), there's just too much to keep up with. Man, well, the desire to write still dwells within me, so, here I am yet again after a long sabbatical. What to write about though. Well, hmm, let's see. Vertical Horizon is playing at the moment. Nope, still nothing.

Let's talk about God. More specifically, what's going on in our relationship at the moment. I feel like we're on the edge of something. Like we're pushing, or knocking, or maybe just standing, at a door that has not yet been opened. I feel hesitant to push, or to do the wrong thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of taking a step. I just want Him tell me what to do, and I'll do it, no matter what. Wow, those are pretty intense words. Pretty over-promising as well. How many times have I heard His still-small-voice urging me to talk to someone, to help someone, and I've ignored it to because it would make me uncomfortable? What am I waiting for then. God told Abraham to go into a land that I will show you. That means that Abraham went before God told him where he was going. That seems to be an adequate example of where I currently find myself. I feel like I should wait, and yet I feel this urge to push my way to provide for my soon-to-be-expanding family. As if God isn't going to provide what He promises to. Hmm. Well, I leave it at that for tonight. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Until then...